There has never been a more important time for
Workplace Mental Health.

70% of Canada’s workplaces don’t have a mental health strategy - despite the need for one, and the evidence demonstrating the positive return on investment in workplace mental health.

How can you make workplace wellness work for you?
Scroll down and explore evidence-based, ready-to-use, free or low-cost resources described in the videos and accessible via the links to our partner organizations.

“It Starts at the Top” is part of our series of panel discussions with Canadian CEOs and experts who provide critical insights on workplace mental health, moderated by MHRC CEO Akela Peoples. Register now for for our upcoming March 7, 2023 session, click here!

To view past It Starts at the Top webinars, click this link.

Series sponsored by Beneva

“Let’s Talk Workplace Wellness” was a virtual seminar moderated by MHRC CEO Akela Peoples, featuring panelists Monika Mielnik, Bell Canada; Nabeela Ixtabalan, Walmart Canada; and Megan Kates, Sklar Wilton & Associates; plus presentations by experts from leading organizations and non-profits on workplace wellness solutions. Click this link to watch the video from the seminar.

Seminar presented in partnership with Bell Let’s Talk

Explore more free and low-cost workplace mental health resources from by clicking the images below.

The Working Mind is an evidence-based program designed to promote mental health and reduce the stigma around mental illness in the workplace. Low Cost, Training

Through stigma reduction and mental health awareness, The Working Mind (TWM) program seeks to change Canadians’ behaviours and attitudes toward people living with mental illness.

Workplace Strategies for Mental Health is a website, compliments of Canada life, that provides free, practical tools and resources to help promote psychological safety at work.  Free, Comprehensive Resources

At Workplace Strategies for Mental Health, you’ll find tools and resources for workplace mental health and psychological safety available for all Canadians at no cost, compliments of Canada Life.

Not Myself Today is a package of resources you can order from the Canadian Mental Health Association.Low Cost, Entry Level

Not Myself Today is a social enterprise of the Canadian Mental Health Association, National, created to help reduce stigma and support mental health at work.

An international best practice that is high impact, turn-key and customizable. The elephant signifies a stigma-free space for mental health discussions.Low Cost, Entry Level

Elephant In The Room is a national anti-stigma campaign, designed by Mood Disorders Society of Canada, to eliminate the stigma associated with mental Illness.

The Standard is a comprehensive set of recommendations and procedures co-developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Canadian Standards Agency.Free, Advanced

The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) is a set of voluntary guidelines, tools and resources intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work.

Guarding Minds @ Work is a step-by-step online guide that shows you how to implement a mental health strategy in the workplace.Free, Step-by-Step Guide

Guarding Minds at Work helps employers identify and measure employee experience with psychosocial factors known to have a powerful impact on organizational health, the health of individual employees, and the financial bottom line.

Recommended reading
Deloitte Insights report: return on investment for workplace mental health programs

Published October 2019, this report quantifies return on investment of mental health strategies in the workplace. Among the report’s observations: every $1 invested in a mental health strategy has a return of $1.62, including increased productivity, reduced leave, and reduced benefit costs.